Veep is an American political satire television comedy series created by Armando Iannucci, as a U.S. spin of the premise of his 2005 BBC series, The Thick of It. The series premiered on HBO on April 22, 2012. Shot in a cinéma-vérité style, Veep stars Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Selina Meyer, the vice president of the United States (or "Veep"), and later president of the United States, as she struggles to stay politically relevant.
Selina Meyer wants to make the implementation of a Clean Jobs Commission her main legacy, but then a tweet from a staffer annoys the plastics industry.
A health scare temporarily allows Meyer to be acting president but delays her plan for a media meet-and-greet at the local yogurt store, showcasing a flavor named after her.
Selina's party does poorly in the midterm election, though Selina has a successful campaign, which she attempts to leverage into greater influence for herself.
When a hostage crisis in Uzbekistan ensues, Selina has conflict with the Secretary of Defense George Maddox during their joint appearance at the Marine Corps Base.
Selina performs a comic song at the Vic Allen Dinner that seems, at first, to go over well; To placate Gary, Selina has lunch with him and his girlfriend.
A damaging story leaks about Selina's ex-husband, Andrew; Danny Chung takes advantage of the shutdown; Gary and Jonah go on a run to retrieve Selina's trash.
Selina is hours away from announcing her candidacy; Mike begs Jonah not to do an article on a recent outburst; Dan tries to get SNL to apologize for a sketch.
Selina, Dan and Gary travel to Virginia to persuade George Maddox not to run for president; Gary worries that his shoulder pain may prevent him from keeping his job.
After an anti-gun rumor is spread, Selina goes to a gun show while in Detroit, but isn't happy when her daughter takes the spotlight after saving her from a protester.
While Selina balances her unexpected presidency with the New Hampshire primary, Dan pushes Jonah to take the blame for a catastrophic media revelation.
The staff is caught in the middle of a large scandal and starts looking for someone to take the blame, just as the annual Easter Egg Roll is held at the White House.
Hours before the Party Convention, Selina struggles to find a replacement as Doyle announces he's leaving the ticket; Dan works with Jonah and Richard for a client.
Selina prepares for a night with some of her old colleagues; Tom accidentally stirs trouble after a shooting in Pittsburgh; Amy and Dan lobby for the concrete industry.
Selina uses the White House holiday party to win over congressmen, as she finds out that Tom has his own agenda; Dan preps Jonah for an upcoming debate.
Selina is offered the position of vice president, while planning her future; Mike's children arrive; Gary breaks down; The staff is shocked by yet another tie.
Selina attends the opening of former President Hughes’ presidential library; Jonah gets advice on how to rise in the political ranks; Dan suffers through Jane’s whims.
Selina and her team attend the funeral of a Supreme Court justice. Amy works on securing a location for Selina's library. Dan tries to maintain his upswing with Jane.
Selina settles on a location for her presidential library. Dan lands in a gossip column. Mike and Selina work on her book. Jonah tries to cement a big donation.
Selina tries to finish her book. Selina and her staff prepare for her portrait-unveiling ceremony, while Jonah tries to weasel his way onto the guest list.
Season premiere. Selina evaluates her past and present campaigns. Jonah's personal life sparks interest among the press. Amy makes an important decision.