
The vice president of the United States is the second-highest officer in the executive branch of the U.S. federal government, after the president of the United States. The vice president is also an officer in the legislative branch, as president of the Senate. In this capacity, the vice president is empowered to preside over Senate deliberations, but may not vote except to cast a tie-breaking vote. The vice president also presides over joint sessions of Congress.

Vice presidents[]

Vice presidency Vice President


Election President
1 April 21, 1789

March 4, 1797

Official Presidential portrait of John Adams (by John Trumbull, circa 1792)
John Adams Pro-Administration 1788–89 George Washington
Federalist 1792
2 March 4, 1797

March 4, 1801

Thomas Jefferson by Rembrandt Peale, 1800
Thomas Jefferson Democratic-Republican 1796 John Adams
3 March 4, 1801

March 4, 1805

1024px-Vanderlyn Burr
Aaron Burr Democratic-Republican 1800 Thomas Jefferson
4 March 4, 1805

April 20, 1812

(died in office)

George Clinton by Ezra Ames
George Clinton Democratic-Republican 1804
1808 James Madison
Office vacant: April 20, 1812 – March 4, 1813
5 March 4, 1813

November 23, 1814

(died in office)

Elbridge Gerry Democratic-Republican 1812
Office vacant: November 23, 1814 – March 4, 1817
6 March 4, 1817

March 4, 1825

Daniel D Tompins by John Wesley Jarvis
Daniel D. Tompkins Democratic-Republican 1816 James Monroe
7 March 4, 1825

December 28, 1832

(resigned from office)

1024px-George Peter Alexander Healy - John C
John C. Calhoun Democratic-Republican 1824 John Quincy Adams
Nullifier 1828 Andrew Jackson
Office vacant: December 28, 1832 – March 4, 1833
8 March 4, 1833

March 4, 1837

Francis Alexander - Martin Van Buren - Google Art Project
Martin Van Buren Democratic 1832
9 March 4, 1837

March 4, 1841

Richard Mentor Johnson Democratic 1836 Martin Van Buren
10 March 4, 1841

April 4, 1841

(succeeded to presidency)

John Tyler Whig 1840 William H. Harrison
Office vacant: April 4, 1841 – March 4, 1845 John Tyler
11 March 4, 1845

March 4, 1849

George Mifflin Dallas 1848 crop
George M. Dallas Democratic 1844 James K. Polk
12 March 4, 1849

July 9, 1850

(succeeded to presidency)

800px-Millard Fillmore-Edit1
Millard Fillmore Whig 1848 Zachary Taylor
Office vacant: July 9, 1850 – March 4, 1853 Millard Fillmore
13 March 4, 1853

April 18, 1853

(died in office)

William R. D
William R. King Democratic 1852 Franklin Pierce
Office vacant: April 18, 1853 – March 4, 1857
14 March 4, 1857

March 4, 1861

1024px-John C Breckinridge-04775-restored
John C. Breckinridge Democratic 1856 James Buchanan
15 March 4, 1861

March 4, 1865

Hannibal Hamlin Republican 1860 Abraham Lincoln
16 March 4, 1865

April 15, 1865

(succeeded to presidency)

800px-Andrew Johnson photo portrait head and shoulders, c1870-1880-Edit1
Andrew Johnson National Union 1864
Office vacant: April 15, 1865 – March 4, 1869 Andrew Johnson
17 March 4, 1869

March 4, 1973

Schuyler Colfax portrait
Schuyler Colfax Republican 1868 Ulysses S. Grant
18 March 4, 1873

November 22, 1875

(died in office)

Henry Wilson Republican 1872
Office vacant: November 22, 1875 – March 4, 1877
19 March 4, 1877

March 4, 1881

William A. Wheeler Republican 1876 Rutherford B. Hayes
20 March 4, 1881

September 19, 1881

(succeeded to presidency)

800px-Chester Alan Arthur
Chester A. Arthur Republican 1880 James A. Garfield
Office vacant: September 19, 1881 – March 4, 1885 Chester A. Arthur
21 March 4, 1885

November 25, 1885

(died in office)

800px-Thomas Andrews Hendricks
Thomas A. Hendricks - Democratic 1884 Grover Cleveland
Office vacant: November 25, 1885 – March 4, 1889
22 March 4, 1889

March 4, 1893

Levi Morton - Brady-Handy portrait - tight 3x4 crop
Levi P. Morton Republican 1888 Benjamin Harrison
23 March 4, 1893

March 4, 1897

800px-Adlai Ewing Stevenson I head-on-shoulders
Adlai Stevenson I Democratic 1892 Grover Cleveland
24 March 4, 1897

November 21, 1899

(died in office)

Garret Hobart Republican 1896 William McKinley
Office vacant: November 21, 1899 – March 4, 1901
25 March 4, 1901

September 14, 1901

(succeeded to presidency)

800px-Theodore Roosevelt circa 1902
Theodore Roosevelt Republican 1900
Office vacant: September 14, 1901 – March 4, 1905 Theodore Roosevelt
26 March 4, 1905

March 4, 1909

Charles W. Fairbanks Republican 1904
27 March 4, 1909

October 30, 1912

(died in office)

800px-James Sherman, Bain bw photo portrait facing left
James S. Sherman Republican 1908 William H. Taft
Office vacant: October 30, 1912 – March 4, 1913
28 March 4, 1913

March 4, 1921

800px-Thomas Riley Marshall headshot
Thomas R. Marshall Democratic 1912 Woodrow Wilson
29 March 4, 1921

August 2, 1923

(succeeded to presidency)

Calvin Coolidge cph
Calvin Coolidge Republican 1920 Warren G. Harding
Office vacant: August 2, 1923 – March 4, 1925 Calvin Coolidge
30 March 4, 1925

March 4, 1929

Chas G Dawes-H&E
Charles G. Dawes Republican 1924
31 March 4, 1929

March 4, 1933

800px-Charles Curtis-portrait
Charles Curtis Republican 1928 Herbert Hoover
32 March 4, 1933

January 20, 1941

John Nance Garner Democratic 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt
33 January 20, 1941

January 20, 1945

Henry A. Wallace Democratic 1940
34 January 20, 1945

April 12, 1945

(succeeded to presidency)

Harry S
Harry S. Truman Democratic 1944
Office vacant: April 12, 1945 – January 20, 1949 Harry S. Truman
35 January 20, 1949

January 20, 1953

Alben W. Barkley Democratic 1948
36 January 20, 1953

January 20, 1961

Richard Nixon official portrait as Vice President
Richard Nixon Republican 1952 Dwight D. Eisenhower
37 January 20, 1961

November 22, 1963

(succeeded to presidency)

Lyndon B. Johnson Democratic 1960 John F. Kennedy
Office vacant: November 22, 1963 – January 20, 1965 Lyndon B. Johnson
38 January 20, 1965

January 20, 1969

800px-Hubert Humphrey crop
Hubert Humphrey Democratic 1964
39 January 20, 1969

October 10, 1973

(resigned from office)

800px-Spiro Agnew
Spiro Agnew Republican 1968 Richard Nixon
Office vacant: October 10 – December 6, 1973
40 December 6, 1973

August 9, 1974

(succeeded to presidency)

Gerald Ford - NARA - 530680
Gerald Ford Republican
Office vacant: August 9 – December 19, 1974 Gerald Ford
41 December 19, 1974

January 20, 1977

Nelson Rockefeller
Nelson Rockefeller Republican
42 January 20, 1977

January 20, 1981

Vice President Mondale 1977 closeup
Walter Mondale Democratic 1976 Jimmy Carter
43 January 20, 1981

January 20, 1989

800px-Vice President George H. W
George Bush Republican 1980 Ronald Reagan
44 January 20, 1989

January 20, 1997

??? ??? 1988 Stevenson
45 January 20, 1997

January 20, 2005

??? ??? 1996 POTUS 42
46 January 20, 2005

January 20, 2013

??? Opposition 2004 POTUS 43
47 January 20, 2013

January 24, 2016

(succeeded to presidency)

Screen Shot 2020-03-14 at 5.47
Selina Meyer Main


Stuart Hughes
Office vacant: January 24, 2016 – February 2016 Selina Meyer
48 February 2016

January 20, 2017

Andrew Doyle Main
Office vacant: January 20, 2017 – January 20, 2021


Laura Montez
49 January 20, 2021

his impeachment

(removed/resigned from office)

Jonah Ryan Main


Selina Meyer
Office vacant: until January 20, 2025
January 20, 2025

January 20, 2041

??? 2024 Kemi Talbot and other(s)
??? 2028
??? 2032
??? 2036
January 20, 2041


??? Main 2040 Richard Splett